Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Almost a year!

Its almost been a year since I have blogged last. I would like to blame it being "busy" but my excuse is just pretty basic. You all know why... I was pregnant. The majority of the time I had of list of things I need to do for the day 1. work 2. eat 3. sleep it was a hard core schedule and that's pretty much all I did for 8 months. hehehe as long as I completed those three things I was a happy camper. Sometimes I would expand my day and watch Vampire Diaries and SuperNatural! Lets face it, Dean is a major hottie and so is Dameon.

A lot has happened besides my huge a** slowly going back to "normal" and not getting very much sleep I have learned a lot about myself. I absolutely love being a wife, sister, friend and most of all mom. I am excited to be back and motivated to blog again.